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From Footprint to Handprint: How to leave a mark

From Footprint to Handprint: How to leave a mark

Nov 2
Nov 2, 2024
Nov 10, 2024

Over the course of a transformative week, participants from different countries come together to learn about sustainability and develop projects together, ultimately leaving empowered as change makers ready to actively shape a more sustainable future.

Nov 2, 2024

Imagine arriving at a picturesque seminar house on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Nervousness
and excitement mix with anticipation, as you know that a week full of challenges and new
insights awaits you. People from all corners of the world gather around you, united by a
common goal: they want to learn how to make a positive impact on our planet — and you are
part of this movement. Even now, the transformation begins, one that goes beyond individual
knowledge and equips you to understand global interconnections and actively shape the
The first evening is filled with laughter as you get to know each other through ice-breaker
games and share your visions of a sustainable future. It becomes clear: this week is not just
about ideas but about developing solutions together. You feel it already: this week will be
different — an opportunity to expand your skills, engage in cooperative learning processes,
and prepare yourself for the role of a responsible global citizen.
On Monday morning, the real work begins. With wide eyes, you calculate your ecological
footprint. The numbers are sobering, but instead of falling into despair, you learn about the
"handprint" — the ability to bring about positive change. This concept shows you how to
actively participate in solving global problems, rather than merely minimizing your negative
impact. Suddenly, you realize there are countless ways to actively and sustainably shape the
world. A key educational goal here is to develop an awareness of personal and collective
On Tuesday, you delve deeper into the subject. You explore the complex structures that
hinder sustainable action — social, political, and economic entanglements. But instead of
feeling discouraged, you learn how to overcome these challenges. In a lively role-play, you
step into the shoes of a politician and experience firsthand how systemic changes can be
initiated. Through this exercise, you understand how to participate in decision-making
processes and positively influence them — a crucial element of global learning and political
Wednesday is all about creativity. You design educational programs for sustainable
development and are impressed by the innovative ideas of your fellow participants. Together,
you create solutions that aim to reach both the minds and hearts of people. You learn how
important it is to design transformative educational projects and foster creativity to spark
societal change. In the afternoon, you outline your own "handprint project." Here, you learn
how to effectively plan and implement projects, an educational goal that includes practical
problem-solving skills and fostering creative thinking.
On Thursday, you are brought back down to earth. You learn how to overcome obstacles on
your path while also involving your community in your endeavor. During a pitch exercise, you
present your project — and with each valuable piece of feedback, it grows stronger. You
develop presentation and communication skills and learn how to win others over to your
vision. This strengthens your ability to carry out projects in the long term and rally supporters
— a key to success in social engagement.
Friday is all about networking. You form connections that will last far beyond this week. In
doing so, you learn the importance of collaboration and networking. You discover how to
create synergies and, through cooperative action, achieve a greater impact. These skills are
essential for implementing long-term projects and building communities that drive sustainable
Saturday culminates in a moment of fulfillment: you present your fully developed project to the
entire group. The applause and the appreciative looks of your peers fill you with pride. Here,
you realize how important it is to receive recognition for your work while also using feedback
to foster further growth. You feel yourself evolving into a confident and responsible leader.
On Sunday morning, as you press your handprint onto a large piece of paper and write your
promise for the future beside it, it becomes clear: you are no longer the same person who
arrived here a week ago. You are now a "Change-Maker," equipped with deep knowledge about sustainability, project development skills, political and social engagement
competencies, and a network of like-minded individuals.
With a suitcase full of inspiration, concrete plans, and new friendships, you head home. You
know that the real journey is only just beginning. It’s time to leave your handprint on the world
— as part of a global movement for a more sustainable future.


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