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Sokrates und der politische Körper

Ein politisches Resilienztraining zwischen Sokratischem Dialog und Embodied Learning mit Inhalten der politischen Bildung.

Über das Projekt


Unser Projekt verbindet zwei innovative Methoden der politischen Bildung: Embodied Learning und das Sokratische Gespräch.

Durch diese einzigartige Kombination sprechen wir die drei Lerndimensionen Kognition, Emotion und Körper gleichermaßen an. Ziel ist es, Resilienz und politische Mündigkeit zu fördern, um handlungsfähig und reflektiert auf gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen zu reagieren. Teilnehmende lernen, emotionale und kognitive Prozesse in einer angstfreien Umgebung zu verbinden, um neue demokratische Perspektiven zu entwickeln.


In der ersten Umsetzung und Erprobungsphase richtete sich das Projekt an deutsche und niederländische Jugendliche ab der 10. Klasse mit guten Englischkenntnissen. Durch diese interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit wurden unterschiedliche Perspektiven eingebracht, die den Lernprozess bereicherten. Die Zielgruppe umfasste insbesondere junge Menschen, die Interesse an politischer Bildung, sozialem Engagement und methodischen Ansätzen für transformative Bildung haben.


Programmkuration und Konzeption fanden in engem Austausch innerhalb des Teams statt. Die Projektbausteine wurden erstellt, getestet und angepasst, um dann im Seminar im September 2024 das erste Mal in Gänze erprobt zu werden.

Planung und Vorbereitung (Mitte 2023 - Mai 2024)

  • Erstellung des Konzepts und Aufbau eines interdisziplinären Teams
  • Kommunikation mit Partnerorganisationen und Zielgruppen
  • Entwicklung und Beta-Tests der Methodeneinheiten

Durchführung (Juni - Oktober 2024)

  • Umsetzung des fünftägigen Bildungsformats, das verschiedene politische Schwerpunktthemen behandelte (z. B. Klimakrise, Geflüchtetenpolitik, Verschwörungserzählungen)
  • Integration von erfahrungsbasierten Methoden am Vormittag (z. B. Drama-Games, Simulationen) und sokratischen Gesprächen am Nachmittag
  • Arbeit im interkulturellen Kontext mit deutsch-niederländischen Teilnehmenden

Evaluation und Transfer (November - Dezember 2024)

  • Intensive Reflexion und Evaluierung des Projekts
  • Aufzeichnung der teaminternen Evaluation, um Erkenntnisse transparent zu teilen
  • Erstellung der Webseite mit Audio-Inhalten aus dem Seminar


Feedback and Evaluation Circles

Feedback and evaluation circles provide a structured way for participants to give and receive constructive feedback. This method promotes a culture of openness and continuous improvement, essential for personal growth in a Socratic dialogue context. It helps individuals reflect on their learning journey.

Mind Mapping Discussions

Mind mapping is a visual tool that helps participants organize their thoughts and ideas. During discussions, individuals can create mind maps to illustrate connections between concepts. This method enhances clarity and encourages collaborative thinking in a Socratic dialogue setting.

Peer Teaching Sessions

In peer teaching sessions, participants take turns teaching each other about specific topics related to Socratic dialogue. This method reinforces learning through teaching and allows individuals to express their understanding creatively. It builds confidence and communication skills among youth.

Question Formulation Technique

The Question Formulation Technique (QFT) empowers participants to generate their own questions about a topic. This method fosters curiosity and ownership of the learning process, encouraging deeper engagement with the subject matter. It is particularly effective in youth seminars where exploration is key.

Role-Playing Scenarios

Role-playing is an interactive method that allows participants to step into different perspectives. By acting out scenarios related to philosophical questions or ethical dilemmas, individuals can explore complex issues in a safe space. This method enhances empathy and understanding among participants.

Group Reflection Sessions

Group reflection sessions allow participants to share their experiences and insights gained from the seminar. This method encourages collective learning and helps individuals articulate their thoughts in a supportive environment. It is a vital component of the Socratic dialogue process, promoting continuous growth.

Critical Thinking Workshops

Workshops focused on critical thinking skills are essential in a Socratic dialogue framework. Participants engage in exercises that challenge their assumptions and encourage them to think deeply about various topics. This method not only enhances analytical skills but also prepares youth for real-world problem-solving.

Exploring Values through Dialogue

This method involves participants discussing their personal values and beliefs in a structured dialogue. By sharing and questioning each other's perspectives, individuals can gain clarity on their own values and understand the diversity of thought within the group. This approach fosters empathy and respect among participants.

Embodied Learning Techniques

Embodied learning emphasizes the role of the body in the learning process. By engaging physically, participants can enhance their understanding and retention of concepts. This method is particularly effective in youth seminars, where movement and interaction can lead to deeper insights and connections among participants.

Introduction to Socratic Dialogue

Socratic dialogue is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue that stimulates critical thinking and illuminates ideas. It is often used in educational settings to encourage students to explore complex concepts through questioning and discussion.


9-13 September 2024, Day


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Conclusion and Future Directions

The final day of the Sokratischer Dialog will summarize the key learnings from the previous days and discuss how participants can apply these insights in their personal and professional lives.

Wrap-Up Sessions

  • Reflection on Learning
  • Future Applications
  • Networking Opportunities

Join us as we conclude this enriching experience and explore ways to continue the dialogue beyond the seminar.

9-13 September 2024, Day


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Critical Thinking Skills

The fourth day is dedicated to developing critical thinking skills through Socratic questioning techniques. Participants will practice formulating questions that stimulate deeper thinking and reflection.


  • Question Formulation Workshops
  • Peer Feedback Sessions
  • Reflection and Sharing

This day will empower participants to enhance their questioning abilities, which are essential for effective dialogue.

9-13 September 2024, Day


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Dialogue and Democracy

On the third day, we will explore the relationship between dialogue and democratic practices. The sessions will focus on how Socratic dialogue can enhance civic engagement and foster a more participatory society.

Key Discussions

  • Dialogue as a Tool for Democracy
  • Engaging Diverse Voices
  • Building Consensus

Participants will learn how to apply Socratic methods to promote understanding and collaboration in their communities.

9-13 September 2024, Day


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Exploring Ethical Questions

The second day of the Sokratischer Dialog will delve into ethical dilemmas and moral philosophy. Participants will be encouraged to question their assumptions and engage in meaningful discussions about right and wrong.

Topics Covered

  • Ethics in Daily Life
  • Case Studies
  • Group Reflections

This day aims to challenge participants to think critically about ethical issues and develop their reasoning skills through dialogue.

9-13 September 2024, Day


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“The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living”

We want to gain wisdom and expand our horizons, we want to connect Words to Experience and experience to curiosity. In our week together, we will produce a canon of questions – our legacy to a world in deer need for better questions and independent thinkers. We want to start thinking.

Welcome to our Circle of Thinkers

  • Welcome circle
  • Storytelling: Being autonomous thinkers
  • Practical Exercises

The arrival day focused on getting to know each other, on the storytelling of the project as well as exploring the historical context of Socratic dialogue and practical applications in simple conversations.

“To find yourself, think for yourself.” ― Socrates

This seminar day focuses on the fundamentals of Socratic dialogue, exploring its historical context and practical applications in modern discussions. Participants will engage in interactive sessions that emphasize critical thinking and collaborative inquiry.

Hier ein Beispiel, wie ihr die Audio-Elemente integriert:

This seminar day focuses on the fundamentals of Socratic dialogue, exploring its historical context and practical applications in modern discussions. Participants will engage in interactive sessions that emphasize critical thinking and collaborative inquiry. This seminar day focuses on the fundamentals of Socratic dialogue, exploring its historical context and practical applications in modern discussions. Participants will engage in interactive sessions that emphasize critical thinking and collaborative inquiry.

Join us for a day filled with insightful conversations and the opportunity to deepen your understanding of this ancient method of dialogue.

This seminar day focuses on the fundamentals of Socratic dialogue, exploring its historical context and practical applications in modern discussions. Participants will engage in interactive sessions that emphasize critical thinking and collaborative inquiry. This seminar day focuses on the fundamentals of Socratic dialogue, exploring its historical context and practical applications in modern discussions. Participants will engage in interactive sessions that emphasize critical thinking and collaborative inquiry.


Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse

Stimmen der Teilnehmenden*

* Echte Zitate im Original-Wortlaut, die wir aus Datenschutzgründen anonymisiert haben.

I believe the skills I learned here will benefit me for a lifetime. The Sokratischer Dialog has equipped me with tools for effective communication.

Lifelong Skills

The inspiring environment encouraged me to think critically and share my thoughts without fear of judgment. It was liberating.

Inspiring Environment

This seminar was a transformative experience for me. I learned not just to speak, but to listen and engage with empathy.

Transformative Experience

The collaborative learning atmosphere made it easy to connect with others. I enjoyed exploring ideas together and challenging each other's thoughts.

Collaborative Learning

I gained valuable insights from my peers during the seminar. The Sokratischer Dialog approach fosters a deeper understanding of complex topics.

Valuable Insights

The discussions were engaging and thought-provoking. I appreciated the respectful environment that encouraged everyone to share their views.

Engaging Discussions

This experience has helped me build confidence in my ability to articulate my ideas. I now feel more comfortable speaking in front of others.

Building Confidence

Through the Sokratischer Dialog, I developed critical thinking skills that I can apply in my studies and everyday life. It has been a game changer for me.

Critical Thinking Skills

The seminar opened my eyes to different perspectives. I learned how to listen actively and appreciate the value of diverse opinions.

A New Perspective

Participating in the Sokratischer Dialog has truly empowered me to express my thoughts and engage in meaningful discussions. It has transformed the way I view dialogue.

Annalena Musterfrau

Erkenntnisse der Projektverantwortlichen


Das Projekt ermöglichte es, ein innovatives Bildungsformat zu entwickeln, das politische Resilienz, interkulturelle Kompetenz und kritisches Denken fördert. Die Audio-Aufnahmen bieten einen direkten Einblick indie Arbeit, und die transparente Evaluation soll andere Bildungseinrichtungen dabei unterstüten, ähnliche Projekte umzusetzen und weiterzuentwickeln.

Unsere Methode zeigt, wie durch die Verbindung von Körper, Emotion und Kognition nachhaltige Lernerfahrungen geschaffen werden können – ein Beitrag zur Stärkung von Demokratie und gesellschaftlichem Zusammenhalt.

Ausklappbarer Teil

Der hier beginnende Text-Abschnitt ist ausklappbar. Ihr könnt ihn beliebig erweitern. Falls ihr ihn nicht braucht, gebt mir Bescheid, dann lösch ich ihn.



Gefördert durch die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.


Interessiert? (Text zur Ausschreibung hier)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

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